Aaron's rod - D.H.Lawrence

I think this book is highly underrated and some parts/moments of it could only be understood by someone with highly evolved consciousness. I am surprised at the explanation of what soul's desires mean and what it means to be in a state of complete peace with oneself. Aaron is a flutist who walks through life without goal wanting to explore and not be tied to something. His friend and mentor, Lilly is in the same boat but unlike Aaron who is clueless as to how to deal with his lost soul, Lilly has some pretty convincing solutions.

Aaron, a married man for over a decade walks away from his wife and four children because married life isn't cutting him any more interest. And he was in a constant battle with his wife for who is the superior between the two. So he makes a journey through London, Milan and Florence making aquaintances, having flings with some exceptional women. All through, he couldn't feel to let himself loose or share himself with another without restraint. He builds relationships and tears them away to be a free soul. At the end Lilly teaches him what it means to not search for something outside of himself and build his soul,his inner God by staying rooted..

I think when terrible things happen to innocent people, they shut themselves off from ever facing such situations again. Like Aaron in this story once gets robbed of his savings at a moment when he is more open, cheerful and vulnerable. He was walking down a street elated at his musical performance few minutes ago and he gets tricked by a band of thieves.. he swears to himself to never let himself get into the same state of vulnerability again.

In Milan, while he is dining with his friend Lilly, the place is bombed by anarchists and in the tussle he loses his most cherished flute. It is broken into pieces. Something in him snaps along with it and something comes to an end. It is the loss of a thing which we love the most that teaches us to devalue material objects and put stock in God, spiritual Nirvana. Makes me wonder how D.H.L managed to reach a phase where he has so much clarity on human journey of evolution..


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