Lord of the flies by William Golding - book review

Review of Lord of the flies by William Golding

Rating 4.5/5
Genre: classic,horror,young adult

A band of children are stranded on an island when their flight crashes. Their pilot is dead and they are left to take care of themselves without adult supervision. Ralph, Jack, Piggy(a really fat and myopic kid) are the three main important characters. Roger and Simon also play crucial roles in the plot. Initially Ralph becomes the chief/head of their group and with the help of Piggy(intelligent and forward thinking) establishes rules so that they could build shelters for staying,hunt for food and burn a fire to hail for rescue. Soon Jack challenges his authority and takes away a group of children with him. Things start becoming evil as Jack and his group brutally kill a mother sow(a female pig) and descreate its head. They hoist its head on a spike and leave its guts to be fed upon by the flies(a symbol for Lord of the flies/beezlebub). [This scene marks the transition from innocence into savage beastiality for the kids and bodes an ill omen to the things to come]. They gradually start thinking/behaving like savages possessed by a madness or evil from the lord of the flies..

While going into the book I had no idea what the story is about other than that it is in the most disturbing books ever written list on goodreads and is a classic. I read some of the reviews(which didnt have any spoilers) and my interest kept building with each review that described it as 'chilling','gruesome' ,'gave goosebumps'. The story and narration lived up to the hype and the reviews but the ending felt abrupt and a bit of a let down for me. I spent reading the last pages with a fired up imagination on how they might kill Ralph and what further degradation awaits them.. and it all sort of came to a crash end.


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