Easy Journey to other planets - A.C.Bhaktivendata Prabhupada - book review

Rating 4/5
Genre Religion,Spirituality, Evolution

For starters, this is not a science book. It does not lay out a step by step plan for the construction of spacecrafts and satellites to help transmigrate masses of people between planetary systems. Why I am saying this is because the title can be misleading. Srila Prabhupada prescribes perfecting the art of meditation and bhakti yoga in order to develop an ability of moving to higher planets.

He presents his case to the readers as to why they should opt the yoga method as opposed to scientific methods for traveling to other planets and calling them home. He calls the endeavours of scientists to reach other planets through spacecrafts a waste of time and whatever success they yearn for as meaningless. It is easy to see why this work of literature rubs a scientific minded person the wrong way. Those who are not acquainted with the teachings of iskcon or haven't read other works of Srila Prabhupada might call it a little extreme or downright brainwashing. I just think he is a bit more spiritually evolved than the rest of us and his teachings make him sound like a madman to the lesser evolved. I myself donot know how much of what Prabhupada says here is true but in the deepest corner of my heart I truly believe if there is a way one can move to another planet, the ship has to be built through spiritual evolution and unflagging devotion to God/Krishna.

He says there are an infinite number of universes co-existing and each universe has a large number of planets. These are called material or physical planets which can be seen and discovered by the human eye. Unseen to the human eye, there are other planets which are called spiritual planets or vaikunta planets. These are three times as many physical planets in number. Krishna, the supreme personality of godhead resides in the spiritual zone and our spirit(soul) also belongs to this realm. Our body suffers from the ailments of birth, death, old age and disease no matter on what physical planet we live. But such ailments are absent to a soul residing in the spiritual arena. Krishna is called Sad-cid-ananda(sat means eternal, cit means absolute knowledge, ananda means absolute happiness) meaning Krishna is placed in eternal knowledge and happiness. Srila Prabhupada argues that through the practice and perfection of Bhakti yoga, one can reach these spiritual planets and become as eternally knowledgeable and happy as Krishna.


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