Rasa dance - Krishna

Krishna dancing in the midst of gopis is called rasa dance.  Krishna expands himself into multiple forms - one for each gopi and dances with them. Each gopi thinks that Krishna is dancing with her alone and with no one else. This is kind of a mental and physical illusion Krishna has created to ensure the contentment and happiness of those gopis.

The climate is cool and the air is filled with aroma of different flowers of the vrindavan forest. Krishna dances with each gopi and when they are tired, they rest their heads on his shoulders. Krishna and the gopis exchange sweet tender kisses on neck, cheeks and drooping eye lids. Krishna places his hands on their thin waists, shoulders and passes crushed beetlenuts from his mouth to those of the gopis. The moon and heavenly demi gods watch this display of spiritual and transcendental love from the sky with great pleasure and amusement. After the dance, Krishna and the gopis wander off into the river yamuna and spend time splashing its water onto each other and bathing in the moonlight. 

Those gopis who had the privilege to share such wonderful times with Krishna were great sages well versed in vedas from the yuga of Ramachandra. They desired for Rama and Rama promised them that he will belong to them in his incarnation as Krishna. These gopis also wanted Krishna to be their dear husband when they prayed to katyayani goddess.  So Krishna playing through the rasa dance was his act of fulfilling the desires/wishes of his devotees who are gopis in this case. 

It is not for normal humans to imitate Krishna and try doing what he has done. This has to appreciated from a spiritual perspective rather than materialistic judgement. 

Jai Sri Krishna. ♥️💏


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