Highlights from 'Miracles Happen' by Dr.Brian Weiss

"Once we look into the eyes of another and see ourselves looking back, we will be able to create a heaven on this earth."

When we die, we remove our masks and we rest in our natural state. There is no disappearance, no oblivion. We simply take off our masks, our clothes, and other outer coverings, and we return home to the spiritual realms. Here we are renewed and restored. Here we reflect on the lessons of the life that we have just left. Here we are reunited with our soul companions across the centuries. Here we plan our next lifetime on the earth. When the time and circumstances are right, we don new masks—a baby’s body and brain—and return to the physical state. With a refreshed energy and outlook, we continue learning our spiritual lessons until the need to reincarnate is no longer necessary. Then we can continue to help people from the other side.

We have an eternity of time to learn our lessons. Our symptoms and fears have probably carried over from previous lifetimes.

We will always find each other. So “till death do us part” is simply not applicable, for even death cannot keep us apart.

“My” chronic illness is no longer personal to me. I no longer own it. It is merely something that Heather is experiencing, and there is likely a reason for her to experience it.

She continued to truly and deeply believe that life was a struggle, and consequently every situation in her life confirmed that perception. Life is full of potential. Miracles do happen, and they both needed to know that.
The choice was made to be grateful for everything good that he had been given, instead of ignoring it and focusing on what was wrong.

I am sure that she has borne hundreds or even thousands of children over the course of her many lifetimes.Quite a few were able to conceive after the past-life block (such as fear of losing a child once again) was removed, or after the tension was reduced through acceptance and understanding.

The concept of souls choosing their parents, and she remembered that the souls may be of family members or friends who have passed on.

A scar appearing and then disappearing at the very location of a past-life wound. And even if these experiences are difficult and painful, they are not retribution; they are simply the avenue for learning the lesson of nonviolence.

Sometimes an advanced soul will volunteer to incarnate in a physical body in order to teach us important lessons.

Many souls, particularly advanced ones like Austin’s, will elect to incarnate in an impaired state in order to learn what that experience feels like. They may have had many lifetimes in which they were the caregivers, but now they are to learn what it is to receive love.

Are we becoming a more understanding and empathic person? If so, we are successful. The soul clings to such learning, because these are spiritual truths. With my clients who excelled professionally yet still felt unhappy, we worked on focusing on the core values of being a better, kinder person. At that point, their outlook began to improve.

One advantage of growing older and accumulating experiences is that you often become aware that you have encountered a similar situation previously.

The knowledge that all things pass is often enough for healing to occur. But if the emotions or symptoms continue, past-life exploration may provide the cure.

And the stresses of today’s competitive and overly materialistic world add their own weight to our emotional maladies.Spiritual beings should think and behave like spiritual beings;

Frequently, children who seem almost irrationally frightened of being separated from their parents have actually lost them in previous lives.

Everything that I experienced in that lifetime was as if I were fully that person, feeling his emotions, feeling what it was like to have his body.

The lesson was about allowing. I had to learn to allow. I blamed myself for having failed to protect and save my people, but the truth was that I could not have saved anyone or protected them from the painful historic events. They have agreed to go through challenges to learn their own lessons and find their own enlightenment. I cannot shelter anyone from the storms of life, or they will never grow, learn, and expand.


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