Kalki Bhagavan and Kali yuga

GOD = Generating, Operating, Destroying.

Brahma is responsible for creation/generation of things(rajo-guna,passion,creation,desire nature). Vishnu is responsible for maintenance/operating and sustaining things (sattva-guna,goodness,prosperity of goddess lakshmi). Lastly, Shiva is responsible for destruction of things(tamo-guna, destruction of desires, hermetic quality with no desire for sansara).

Since Vishnu is responsible for the maintenance of peace and order on earth, each time Mother earth faced a problem with plenitude of demons and rakshasas on earth in forms of humans - she along with other demi gods, brahma and vishnu would approach the milky ocean where lord Vishnu resides. Lord Vishnu to alleviate her pain and rid the earth of cruel demons took different avatars/forms at different times.

Kali yuga is said to last for 4,32,000 years of which we have so far lived only five thousand years. The day Lord Krishna vanished from this earth was like a candle being put off and it marked the start of this kali yuga about five thousand years ago. Even now we see and a lot of us are perplexed by the evil and adharma that is prevailing around us. When we see those who are selifish and corrupt prosper makes us question where is God?Is there no God? Why is he not intervening and protecting dharma? I dont know how long things were bad with demons like Hiranyakasipu, Ravana or Kamsa before Vishnu/Krishna appeared on earth to kill them. Scriptures tell us that in this Kali yuga, Lord Vishnu is going to take the form of Kalki at the end of the yuga before pralaya happens and is going to kill everyone who is adharmic/un-righteous. Kalki is going to look like a warrior on a white horse brandishing a huge,shiny sword.

It is jarring to imagine a waiting period of 4,28,000 years for God to appear and hail the handful of people who are dharmic(if there are any as such by then). The rate at which we see evil propel these days leaves me highly skeptical if the end doesn't come sooner.


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