Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood - book review

Rating: 4.5/5
Genre: Historical fiction, Drama, mental illness

A mesmerizing tale! One of the very good books I have read in a while! A young girl named Grace Marks of sixteen along with a man James is accused of murdering her employer Mr.Kinnear and his mistress in cold blood. They run off to United States from Canada from getting caught. But police eventually get to them and James accuses Grace of instigating him with the murder. Grace tells different versions of her story during her arrest, trial and confession. She also suffers from lapses of memory as to what has happened and how she has ended up in company of James. James gets a death sentence and Grace gets life imprisonment on account of being a young girl who is quite susceptible. So she is locked away in a penitentiary in Canada. When they think she has wild dreams or is quite unsubdued, they commit her to a mental asylum where the conditions of living and treatment are not sanitary and quite harsh.

Some respectable persons of society - reverrands among them - fight on her behalf to appeal to the government to commute her sentence and get her released. They bring in a psychiatrist Dr.Simon Jordan in to the picture to have his word on her innocence which would add weight to their appeals. So he spends some months with her listening to her life story but couldn't access the memories she has lost of the murders. Seeing no other alternative, they subject her to a procedure neuro-hypnosis and Dr.Simon runs away shortly afterward in fear that he would be laughed at should he publicly accept the results. So what happens next? what did he learn during the hypnosis that so startled him? Will Grace get an approval for release? Did she take part in the murders?

What happened in her past is just as intriguing as what would happen to her future. She is a victim if anything of a system that was unbelieving of the mental condition she suffered from and resorted to commit her to prison for a prolonged period of time. I felt real pity towards her. Two other characters that are very prominent to the story are Mary Whitney(her friend whose death comes as a shock to Grace and us) and Jeremiah the peddler(who tries to interfere in her appeals for pardon). This is based on a true story of Grace Marks - sort of life filling in the gaps with fictitious imagination.


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