Atmarama - Krishna

'Atmarama' is someone who is self satisfied. Someone who doesn't depend on anyone else for love or affection and is content to be independent for his/herself.  
Lord Krishna

Once gopis ask Krishna how many different types of lovers are there? What are those different types of lovers? What kind of a lover is he ? 

And Krishna answers them as follows ( I am explaining it here succinctly): 
1. The first kind of lover conducts love like a form of a business. He gives as much love as he is given and doesn't give anything when he gets nothing in return. This form of love is of no use for anyone. 

2. The second is kind is a lover who loves his partner unconditionally.  Either the partner loves him or not, is agreeable to his tastes or not, he never stops showing his affection and love towards the partner.  

3. The third kind is called atmarama and is self satisfied with himself. He doesn't look outside for love and is indifferent if he gets love from the other person or not.  They are  absorbed in the love of God and find satisfaction within.

4. The fourth kind is the callous one. He who takes everything he gets and is not concerned with giving back. They are self absorbed and dont care if they inflict pain or pleasure on dear ones. Such attitudes can be equated with cruelty and selfishness.  

Krishna clarifies that being the supreme personality of godhead, he is the third kind. He is self satisfied and doesn't depend on the love or affection from another being to be content. He doesn't feel the pressure of having to give back what he receives. He also adds that he is forever indebted to them because he could never repay them enough for their affection, love and desire for him.


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