The Eyes of Darkness - Dean Koontz - book review

Rating 3/5 
Genre thriller, paranormal, virus, mystery 

Definitely a lot more engaging, horrifying and thrilling than most of Stephen King's works. I picked this book because I got to know that there is a mention of a virus called wuhan-400 that resembles the Corona virus covid-19 which is raging a war against the world at present. This wuhan 400 as the rumors go causes pneumonia like symptoms before killing the victims but i am disappointed to find that is not the case. Wuhan 400 in the story kills the victim in less than 24 hours by secreting a neuro toxin at the brain stem and causing failure of organs. These characteristics are in no way similar to Corona virus and the disease it causes, Covid-19. 

The story is solid and well rounded. A woman in the show business in Las Vegas, Tina Evans thinks she has lost her son Danny in an accident. But he starts trying to reach out to her through dreams and other paranormal means. She dismisses them as works of a poltergeist at first but then comes to believe his prowess after several encounters. She meets and falls in love with Elliot Stryker who is a retired Army intelligence officer and an attorney. He helps her in finding out the truth behind Danny's death and who are the forces that benefited from keeping Danny dead. 


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