Underwater(2020) movie review

Genre horror, thriller 
IMDb rating 6/10 
Budget 50 - 80million dollars 
Box office 40 million dollars 
Starring Krksten Stewart of twilight fame. 

I felt that the concept and story are pretty good but the cinematography is poor. Not just poor but really bad. I watched this film twice to make sense of what's actually happening.  Most of it is shot underwater in the glare of flashlights and headlights. 
A bunch of people are caught in an underwater drilling station when an earth quake occurs. It damages most of the base stations and equipment. It also releases a swarming pool of alien like creatures into water which kill and feed on human flesh. With a high risk of their drill station exploding, they must reach a near by station in order to access air pods which can fly them back to the surface. With no alternate option available, they decide to make the journey on foot. To actually walk the distance on ocean bed. Braving the odds, some of them make it. Some don't. What happens at the end? Does anyone make it back to the surface safe? 

I didn't find the movie horrifying. But it is not boring as some reviews dismiss it as well. There are few moments to a first time watcher that make heart stop a second but they are just one or two. Kristen Stewart had a detached confidence and fearlessness which made the situation they were in all the  more artificial.  I liked the eerie sense of thrill that is brought by background music and sound effects.  I am going with a 5 over 10 rating for this movie. 


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