Immortals of Meluha - A review
Immortals of Meluha - Amish Tripathi - Review by Naga For the content that has actually been fit into the story, this is an agonizingly long read. The concept is novel with characters pulled from the Indian religious mythologies of Lord Ram and Lord Shiva but the characterizations fall short in matching expectations. For example, the narrative is supposed to belong to the times when human lived in tribes, were ruled by kings and sort of had a not very modern life style. But the main characters, especially Shiva who is a barbarian confounds medical experts talking science, uses slang as seen in modern India. Few concepts have cavities very deep to make for unfixable teeth. Children are taken into government protection at birth and are classified into 4 castes based on qualifications at age of 15(is this Harry Potter? Are the castes four houses in Hogwarts?) - the presumption being all children brought up the same and hence given the same conditions for growth...