Architecture vs Publishing ( victor hugo )

Disclaimer: the source of this thought is The hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo which is a work of fiction, hence not sure if I can fully attest to the authenticity of the following claims.

I have read that when men in past needed a way to communicate their thoughts and ideas, they built monuments. The structure and decorative symbols carved onto the edifices are supposed to convey deep meanings to a careful observer and reader. But it is hard to retain the monument in it's original form through eternity because of climatic impacts, impact of time and attacks from invaders.

So slowly men started jotting down their thoughts on leaves, papers and books which held them for posterity in their original form. Also with the abundance of thoughts(books in current world), wouldn't we have run out of space on Earth if each thought is built into a monument?

The author therefore argues that the emergence of publishing (books) has proven to be the diminution in interest towards architecture.


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