Notes from Osho's Biography

Your life begins far back before your birth, before your mother's impregnation, further back in your past life's end. That end is the beginning of this life.

They can be divided into two categories: one consists of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They believe in only one life. The other category consists of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. They believe in the theory of reincarnation. One is born again and again, eternally—unless one becomes enlightened, and then the wheel stops.

Wherever we make permanent relationships, strife is bound to be, for the mind is most
impermanent and relationships very permanent.

But I think there is no possibility for people to understand each other  except through meditation, because meditation gives you the qualities of silence, awareness, a patient listening, a capacity to put yourself in the other's position.

Two persons living together in love should make it a point that their relationship is continuously growing, bringing more flowers every season, creating more joys.

but their imprints gave them signals that this is the right woman, this is the right man. And all this happens unconsciously. That's why you cannot answer why you have fallen in love with a certain woman, or with a certain man. It is not a conscious decision.

Using each other, exploiting each other, reducing each other to things, but never respecting each other's divinity—then this hell is created.

dhol means drum, gamar means idiots, pashu means animals, and nari means woman. All these four are constantly to be beaten. The dhol, the drum, will not work if you don't beat it. : Tulsidas

Virgins are inexperienced, look childish; widows are experienced, well polished, more attractive.

Man has enslaved woman, but he has also become a slave. That's why you cannot find a husband who is not really henpecked—at least I have not found one yet.

Truth is to be known; love is to be felt as well as known. The growth and perfection of love lead to the ultimate merger with God.

The man who has not developed the capacity to love lives in a private hell of his own. A man who is filled with love is in heaven.

The doors of love only open for the person who is prepared to let his ego go. To surrender one's ego for someone else is love; to surrender one's ego for all is divine love.

Love exists on a higher plane, and as love grows, sex dissipates. The energy that has been manifested in sex is transformed into love.

A life of love, an abstinence from physical pleasures is called brahmacharya, and anyone who wishes to be free from sex must develop his capacity to love. Freedom from sex cannot be achieved through suppression.

My conjecture is that man had his first luminous glimpse of samadhi during the experience of intercourse. Only in the moments of coitus did man realize that it was possible to feel such profound love, to experience such illuminating bliss.

And the more fully you accept sex with an open heart and mind, the freer you will be of it. But the more you suppress it the more you will become bound to it.

Leaders are a very weak species indeed. And swift too. They run away before their followers do.

Religion is not turning one's back on life, it is facing life squarely. Religion is not escaping from life; religion is embracing life fully.

Have you never observed that the mind is pulled towards and hypnotized by the very thing it is trying to avoid? The people who taught man to be against sex are fully responsible for making him so aware of sex.

I want to tell you that once you know this fire it will no longer be an enemy, it will become a friend. If you understand this fire, it will not burn you. The sex inside man, his libido, is even more vital than electricity. A minute atom of matter annihilated an entire hundred thousand people in the city of Hiroshima, but an atom of man's energy can create a new life, a new person!

Truth is truth whether we shut our eyes to it or not. Only those who have the courage to face the truth are religious men. Those who are weak and cowardly, those who are not even manly enough to face the facts of life, can never be helped to become religious.

The responsibility for these kinds of perversions lies with those who have put barriers in the way of our understanding of sex. It is because of these people that naked pictures are in demand, that pornographic books are on sale, that nude films are made, and we see the sordid and absurd results every day.

It has always been the most basic and influential cause of perversion, debauchery and dullness in man. And so religious leaders never want to talk about it.

If you say,"I will not be interested in women," why are you saying it? If you are not really interested—finished. What is the point of saying it? If you are no longer interested you are no longer interested. Finished. Why make a show of it? Why be an exhibitionist?

In fact when death comes, the idea of sex becomes very strong. Because death and sex are opposite each other; they are the polar opposites. Sex is birth and death is the end of the same energy that birth released. So while dying, a person becomes obsessively interested in sex. And that becomes the beginning of another birth.

If you can die without thinking of sex at all, no lurking shadows of sex in your mind, of lust for life, you are dying as one should die. Only one percent of people die that way.

No other country has been able to find a philosophy like Tantra, and Tantra is one of the greatest contribution of this country to the world.

The debauchee shows his contempt for his body through his lack of self-restraint. Out of his disdain for his body he is inclined to abuse it. The abstainer has recoiled to the other extreme, but he is equally hostile to the body. Of course, the two have gone in different directions. The abstainer harasses his body in the name of self-control, in the name of renunciation; the other harasses his in the name of licentiousness.

One of the characteristic features of a healthy mental equilibrium is a positive and a loving attitude towards the body. harassing the body in any way is an indication of a mind that is unhealthy, of a mind that is sick.

Man is normally only aware of these two levels of his being—the body and the mind—but if you wish to rise above them or go deeper than them you have to learn how to use them.

Unless we can understand its behavior, can analyze it, how can we hope to raise it to a higher plane? By understanding it we can transform it, we can conquer it, we can sublimate it.

Freud was one of the few seers who guided mankind in the direction of sexual liberation, but he had no idea whatsoever that spiritual sex existed.Freud was a kind of doctor and his discoveries were used like treatments, doled out to sick people. Freud hadn't studied normal, healthy sex. He was a research scholar dealing in sickness, in perversion, and his mind was primarily set on treatment, on cure.

Can a man not be happy without riding the shoulders of other men, without imposing himself on others, without acquiring power in one form or another? Can a man not be happy simply by remaining a man? In whatever position I find myself I am happy and contented.


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