Soul and Uranus transformation(Astrology)

Most of the souls are perpetually in the process of breaking apart and remaking without really being aware of it. The pieces that make up the fabric of the soul fracture when it is subjected to traumatic experiences. Parts of consciousness shuts down as they have no capability of dealing with the experience. These typically come in the form of a shock. The soul being in it's undisturbed and unruffled state wasn't expecting it. Could be something someone  said at random, attempted to violate their beliefs  in someway, subjected them to public humiliation and disgrace, a woman abused and forced to feel helpless against forces more powerful than herself.
Each soul has its own distinct flavor for  what constitutes trauma to it. What hurts me may not hurt another. They could brush it off smiling. But what I take for granted might rile them up and trigger them bad. So when these things happen, the soul naturally tries to splinter and pieces of it escape. Float away to somewhere else. Somewhere safe where there need not be a way of looking at the event. Such souls look like everyone else but there is some sense of an absence in their personalities. All is not well and is not there.
It is not like when a part of the brain shuts down or the neurons die, a neighbor takes over it's role. It learns how to perform the functionality of the failed part. Which is great since all of the brain ought to be in working condition for a healthy mind. Not so with the soul. The missing pieces  have to be retrieved before it can become a whole entity. It could take many lifetimes for some souls to fall back together into one whole. The length of time varies depending on a soul's desire to get itself together and evolve.
For however long there remains a refusal to look at the event that triggered this splitting and there could be many pieces from many experiences. One might think training computers  is hard but souls and their traumas are much more intricate.  But dealing with or revisiting any such  experience needs help from another stronger soul which has the ability to heal the wound. Not judge the wounded and look upon it  with love and compassion.The fractured soul must have a strong desire to pull itself back together and this acts as a beacon for a healer soul to come in.
Through the pieces of healing when the pieces floating around in suspension come back together, they form an alignment  different from the original. The intent is to  make the person stronger to deal with similar experiences in the future. And not be traumatized as much.
We can identify traumatized souls after carefully observing them for a while as they seem to have a sort of numbness and nonreactive quality to them. It is a cold detachment and not really caring what happens. While others are caught up in the act of taking everything seriously and working themselves up, these souls have an appearance of cool detatchment. It's as if a thick veil of impenetrability exists around them. These are the souls that also hold keys to liberating others from their traumatic reactions. They could do it through words which are soothing and comforting. Or through silent actions that speak of a solidarity. That another is not alone in his or her difficult journeys of evolution. Their presence paradoxically imparts comfort and security to others while it in itself is detached and unfeeling inside.
How does astrology or Uranus come all this? Uranus falls into the archetype of aquarius and elevent house in evolutionary astrology. It is the higher vibration to Mercury. Mercury is the agent that is associated with gathering information.  Assimilating and putting the information together is the role of Sagittarius or Jupiter. He uses his beliefs and personal truths to either use all the information or discard that which he doesn't agree with. Very selective and subjective way of understanding reality. Since Jupiter finds comfort in his beliefs, he holds onto them pretty strongly. He tries to convert everyone else into his way of looking at life. Being a natural and perpetual explorer, he tries to reach beyond the boundaries of human consciousness for knowledge. How much will he succeed in integrating what he learns again depends on how.much he is willing to let go of his rigid belief structure. But I digress.
Uranus. Yes. What do we mean by higher vibration? Meaning while Mercury acts on a conscious and  individual level, Uranus acts on a subconscious and collective level. What do I mean by that? We are usually aware of our thoughts and decisions we make on a day to day, minute to minute basis. We are aware of the lessons we have learnt, the books we read. All the information we have learnt from books or interaction with others, we carry it in our conscious memory and can pull it out as needed. But Uranus acts on a subconscious level. Meaning, it makes itself aware to a person through sudden thoughts which could shock him. Thoughts not his own but he might feel strongly gravitated to. The same thoughts could trigger many souls at the same time and create a kind of mass movement or change if all of them decide to embrace it.


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