Maleficent - Movie Review

What is a fairy that cannot fly? It's wings are its source of power,pride and freedom. So it is for Maleficent, a small girl fairy born in a kingdom of magic called the Moors. Surrounded by strange but good creatures who trusted one another and never failed to uphold it, she started growing up quite innocent and naive. In the neighboring kingdom, cruel and hardhearted men ruled by an ambitious king plotted and dreamed to take over the Moors.

One day a boy who works for the king happens to enter the Moors and steal a jewel from the lake. He gets caught by the guards. Maleficent releases him and makes him her friend. As years pass by, their affection for each other grows and she falls in love with him. She also emerges to becoming the protector of the Moors and the most powerful of all fairies.

Her trust for the boy she fell in love with soon turns into bitterness through circumstances as he betrays her trust and steals her wings. Innocence shattered, heart broken and trust lost, she turns evil burning for vengeance. She builds up impregnable walls around the Moors and also around her heart. She swears to never let another human take place in her heart and waits for the day to punish Stefan, the new king of men, the boy who once stole her heart and now her wings.

When the king's wife gives birth to a daughter, Maleficent becomes an uninvited and unwanted visitor to the ceremony. She curses the baby to fall into a death like sleep after her 16th birthday. What is the fate of the child? Will she be saved from this evil curse? What chain of events take place past this point in the narrative that make Maleficent regain her past glory, past sunshine in heart? Will she regain her wings? What happens to stefan? The movie should be watched - I promise it is not a boring film.

I started watching the movie saying 'Wow' for the visual effects and Angelina Jolie's powerful appearance. I ended the movie feeling 'Wow' for the beautiful narrative and Angelina Jolie's powerful performance. The movie is all about Angelina Jolie and she is the soul to the film. The story is loosely based on 'The Sleeping Beauty' but with good, intriguing twists to it. Angelina can surely portray the character of an evil fairy but it is hard to imagine her being evil towards a baby. She is a softie, a mother and her natural character adds well - it doesn't feel like acting.

My rating for the film: 9.5/10


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