Steig Larsson - The girl with the dragon tattoo book review

I picked The girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson 10 days ago cause it showed on my Goodreads under 'to-read' tag and i was craving for a thriller. 10% into the book, I realize that not only did i read this before but i also watched the movie starring Rooney Mara and that guy from the James Bond series.

Well, the girl is pretty electrifying. She is a technical genius, best hacker in the country, could decode login passwords to any computer within seconds, load pages of material into her head with a brief glance at the page with her photographic memory. She is also extremely anti-social, anarchistic, prefers isolation and vengeful to the point of killing an opponent. Ask her to dig for information about someone and she gathers stuff anything worth learning including material that perhaps only those closest to the person know.She joins forces with a journalist who is falsely framed by a major swedish corporation and is convicted for libel(defamation) by the company. What seems to be an event that marked the end of his career prospects only pave the path for his resurgence. How he goes on to solve a murder mystery involving a 16 year old girl from 30 years ago with the girl with the dragon tattoo is pretty amazing. They use technology, image manipulation and tools of video editing to the best use to crack the case. A case that police and head of the family has pondered on for 30+ years and is left for unsolvable - this duo solves in under 6 months. What they uncover startles and shocks the family, it is stinky and like opening a long festering garbage dump.

It throws some light on how destructive and twisted people who come out of dysfunctional families can be. A child whose father never appreciated him but subjected him to harsh criticism calling him no good will come to identify himself and the world in terms of achievements and goals. A child whose parents are constantly in a battle of words or even abusive to one another will come to hate having a family life. If they are molested/attacked by one of the parents, it is a different story..think of the trust broken, inability to take action, suppression of innocence..its a mess. That's what this part of the story is all about.

So once they clear the first enigma, they take down the company that brought his career to an end. How they do it and what brilliant role the young 24 year old, 4 foot 11 inches, thin and aneroxic looking girl has to play in it is suspence and has to be read from the book.

My rating: 5/5


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