Review of A Quiet Place 2018 movie

Rating 9/10
Stars John krasinski,  Emily blunt 

One of the most frightening films I have watched in a while. I got the same kind of chills I felt watching Evil Dead part 1. This movie is also named as one of the top ten films of 2018 by NBR and AFI.  
A family of creatures hunt humans and animals down by sound. They are blind but have highly developed auditory systems. They nearly wipe out the entire human race. A family of four survives(along with few specks of humans scattered perhaps here and there) the onslaught and learns to sustain in this post apocalyptic scenario. The creatures are still there attacking and killing what ever makes a sound. Running and reaching to where ever the sound eminates from. 

It is indeed very tough to not make a sound..not even speak to one another. 
The family learns sign language to communicate with each other. The woman, Emily blunt is pregnant and the best scene of the movie goes hands down to when she rescues her just born baby from the creature lurking in the same wet, dark room. It was so full of suspense I toyed for a while if I should forward the movie and see how the scene plays out. 

I think the sum of a few great and memorable scenes make a good movie like this one. I didn't think John krasinski played a convincing role in this film. Emily blunt once again proved herself to be a terrific actress.


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