The mistress of Rome by Kate Quinn book review

Rating 4/5
Genre historical fiction, romance

The emperor of Rome, Domition has had many mistresses..he gets tired of a woman in no time and moves onto another..until he comes across a Jewish slave and singer Thea. Thea, a slave to Lepida pollia, was in intense love with a celebrated and undefeated gladiator Arius when they were separated by the hand of her mistress Lepida Pollia. Thea is sold to a pimp by Lepida but she escapes the fate of a prostitute.  She turns a singer and comes under the notice of the emperor. Separated from Arius for 12 years and  craving for him even after becoming the mistress of Rome(Roman emperor)..she eventually meets Arius and sets up for a story of love, vengeance,betrayal and survival. 

I thought the character of Arius is just overblown in its valor, his God like power in the arena and his stroke of luck in not succumbing to a fate many others like him have. He has a voice of an inner demon the answer to whose calls for hunger he replies by killing his opponents in gladiator games. A man cold and frigid to the outside world, he relaxes and opens up to the warmth of a slave girl Thea. 

I liked the character of Thea..a slave girl who doesn't want much..not even with a desire to live..until she meets Arius and all she ever wants after that is to be with him.. Its her tale that we read..loved by all the main characters..desired and hated in equal strength..she is the heroine of the story. 

I loved the character of Lepida Pollia..a selfish, self indulgent,  scheming woman..married to a senator..wanting to be popular,wealthy and powerful..she hatches plans to become the empress..only to suffer a fate of oblivion.

I thought the character of the emperor is underdeveloped..he is supposed to be ruthless but instead becomes a vessel of convenience..his role becomes softened to magnify either that of Thea or Arius..the reason for his death is not justified.. an honourable and just administrator, he had not suddenly become a untenable dictator that deserved slaughter like a was indeed a crime of passion undertaken by players with their own interests at heart. 


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