Review of crime and punishment by Fyodor Dostyovesky

 Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostyovesky

Rating 4/5

A classic book. Touted as one of the best works of Fyodor Dostyovesky, master of Russian literature. I was somehow not as moved or touched reading the story although it is quite different from regular crime/thriller books. Different in the sense that there is a crime committed but no real investigation or concrete evidence found to really implicate the culprit than pure theory and psychological analysis.. 

Getting into the story, Raskolnikov is a law student who is very poor. Having no money he drops out of college and falls into a stuporous state of depression. He spends nights and days locked in his cubbyhole of a room eating nothing and constantly shifting in and out of delirious dreams. One day as though with no preformed/premeditated plan - he murders a rich old woman who is a cruel pawnbroker along with her sister. He almost gets caught during the act but chance helps him to escape. Although he steals her money,he hides it away under a stone in a remote location making little use of it. 

By nature he is an extremely compassionate person to the point of giving away all his money to strangers and going hungry himself. So why did he do the murder? Is it an act of momentary insanity?  Or was he lead to it by delusional higher ideals? No one would have ever found it out if he had not made some stupid moves like confessing to a police man (how stupid must he be really!?) and acting strange at the mention of the eventually a clever and astute police officer comes in the form of Porfiry Petrovich...and it's intriguing to read on how he leads to the truth to come out despite not showing any real evidence.. How the hero spends his time in prison repenting not for committing the crime ( no he has no guilt) but because he fell for the words of this detective.. 

Although there is hope for a better and brighter things to come for both Raskolnikov and Sonya at the end.. Given his nature of uncertain actions and impulsive behavior - we might have to read another book on their together if written!!🥱🥱🥱

Not a bad book altogether - just didn't feel the tension build up except at certain times..!! 😐 😐😐☺


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